Asean scholarship 2019

ASEAN Scholarship 2019 for Double Master Degree on Geo-Informatics
(SCGI Master Degree Program)

Wuhan University, Burapha University, and Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization): GISTDA together offer a Double Master Degree on Geo-Informatics and Space Technology. This program will provide students with advanced knowledge and technical skills in geo-informatics technologies that will be vital for their professional career and ability and academic leadership in- depth knowledge in geo-informatics.  Under this program, GISTDA offers scholarships to promising ASEAN students who wish to study in a master of Science Program in Geo-informatics (International Program).  The program accepts the applicants for scholarships for 2019 on the following plan. 


The scholarship, which is designed to cover 1st year of program.

  • Free tuition fee and accommodation to Double Master Degree in Geoinformatics for 1st year of program.
  • In total, funds amounting to 290,000 Bath (1 year).

  • Fully filled Application form with photographs. Application form filled out or downloaded at
  • Applicants must be under the age of 45
  • Applicants must hold a bachelor degree in Geography, Geo-Informatics, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Environmental Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Geography, and Other Related Sciences.
  • Certified copy of transcripts.
  • Applicants must have a GPA of at least75
  • Foreign applicants who have English certificates for TOFEL Internet Based score of not less than 80 or IELTS score of not less than 5.5 or BUU-GET 60 or above.


The application deadline for the 1 semester 2019 is 15 May 2019. Applications received after this deadline can unfortunately not be accepted.